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The Big Green Egg

The JSS Bee ladies were entertained and well fed by LaNelle and her Dear Hubby this week.  And The Big Green Egg.  Which just happens to smoke to perfection.  And we got to experience it first hand.

Beware!  Yummy food pics to come.  Proceed with caution if you are hungry.  Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

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And here it is!  The Big Green Egg.  Smoker Extraordinaire.  Fabulous Tasty Brisket Maker.  LaNelle showed how it works to Judy and Gloria as we all looked on.

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See?  She gave us a big tutorial on how to use it.  Which is “Put the wood in the bottom and put the meat in the top.  Close it up and let ‘er smoke!”  Or something like that.  Of course, it also entailed Dear Hubby getting up in the middle of the night to check on it.  Multiple times.  Because LaNelle wanted it to be just right for the JSS gals.

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Here’s what it looks like where the wood goes.  And it was still warm from the all night cookin’.  See how thick the walls are?  Heavy-duty cookin’ happenin’ here.  Barbecue at its finest.

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This is the view while you’re cooking in the Green Egg.  We wanted to stay for a year.  And the weather was perfect for our visit.  As if LaNelle had ordered it special for the day. 

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Madelyn & Melinda stood on the deck and enjoyed the beautiful day.

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As did Suz & LaNelle.  Apparently folding your arms was the order of the day.

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Suz also had some conversation with Jade.  Or is it Gigi?  Who can tell them apart?

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See?  Two peas in a pod.  They enjoyed being on the deck as much as we did.

Before it was time for lunch, I was able to sneak around the house and take some pics of really cute things that LaNelle used in decorating……

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Like this Seasonal Guy with a Fall table arrangement behind him.  Does he look familiar?

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How about this cute pillow?  Ouch!

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Loved this old guy sitting in front of the fireplace.

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How about this cute sign next to the door into the house from the back yard?  I wiped mine, but I’m not sure that Gigi and Jade did.  They just ran in and out any time the door opened.  They were very happy to have company.

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Good to know in case you were in the mood to get a hook wet off the dock.

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Cute cupcake pin cushion hanging from the design wall in LaNelle’s fabulous sewing room.  Her room had a view of the lake!  We could have sat in there all day too.

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Several of the gals wanted to take this cool chest home with them.  LaNelle had lots of interesting things for storage in her sewing room.

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Including a special chair where Gigi and Jade had their very own quilt to lay on.

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Who could resist that sweet face?

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This cool window treatment hung in the living room window.  LaNelle told me it was a camel’s harness!  Very interesting!

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These happy daisies were in a vase in the kitchen.  Where we soon headed for a wonderful barbecue lunch!

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There was brisket cooked in the Big Green Egg.  Oh, my.

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Deviled eggs on a pretty pottery plate.

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Cole slaw……..

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Baked beans, anyone?

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This was my plate.  With a cool Fresca on the side.  I think I refilled my plate 4 times.  Or maybe I just did that in my dreams.  It was all so very yummy!

And then there was dessert……

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Pumpkin Cheesecake.  With whipped cream.  I want another piece.  Now.

After lunch (or maybe it was before) we had Show ‘n Tell.  As all good quilters do.

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Melinda showed us this fabulous quilt that she made.  I think she’s keeping this one all for herself.  Love the colors!

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Suz showed us this great Grandmother’s Flower Garden quilt.  The top was given to her and she had it quilted by some ladies in her church.  Hand quilted.  Here’s a closer look…..

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And a look at the back where you can see all the nice hand quilting stitches.

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Betty smiled as she stitched with the gals.

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And just to prove that I actually do get out a needle and thread occasionally, the gals insisted that we take my picture too.  I had my coffee nearby on a cute little stand that LaNelle provided.  And my handy dandy new light around my neck that I had just bought from Melinda and had to try out.  It’s great!  I was working on a Dear Jane block.  The DJ gals reading this will be happy to know that.  I think I stitched three whole seams that day.  Woohoo!

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After lunch we all went back outside.  It was such a perfect day that we all just wanted to sit on the deck and visit.

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Madelyn has a trip to Hawaii planned soon so she was working on her tan in the sun.

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While Betty preferred the cool shady part of the deck.

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And Gigi just surveyed all of her back yard domain.  And kept an eye on everything that we did.

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I couldn’t resist lots of pics of the cute puppies.  Don’t you just want to give her a big hug?

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Even this guy came by to check out what the quilting gals were doing.

And we plan to go back to LaNelle’s again real soon.  So keep that Big Green Egg fired up and ready to go, OK LaNelle?


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